#empires smp headcanon
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latteedrawz · 2 years ago
Reasons why I think Jimmy might be a fae:
When splashed with the lore revealing potion, Jimmy became tiny. It might be that the potion is false and just shrunk Jimmy's size, but it is can also be possible that Jimmy turned tiny due to being a fae in disguise.
When talking to the old sheriff [Martyn], the old sheriff calls Jimmy a Pixie. Something EXTREMELY close to a faerie/fae. Not to mention the old sheriff never gave Jimmy his name.
This might not be on purpose but Jimmy is TERRIBLE in PvP lately. He tried killing fWhip twice and failed both times. Faeries are harmed by iron, and Jimmy has a literal railroad made out of it. Maybe it weakened Jimmy but he doesn't even realise it.
Faes don't forgive easily and hold grudges against people who have acted horribly towards them. They sometimes go into the persons way to ruin stuff for them, breaking their stuff.. cursing them... attempting to kill them sometimes as well.
Fae like children a lot more than adults and in some stories are shown playing with them and causing mischief. Jimmy didn't like Hermes at first, but that was only because of Joel. When the law/lore alliance was made Jimmy IMMEDIATELY became nicer to Hermes, even calling him a kind kid at one point. Not to mention Tiny Tom! Jimmy tried so hard to get Tiny Tom back, but that might just be him being a mama bird. It's a cool thought though. [FUN FACT: FAES USUALLY STEAL CHILDREN AS WELL] // EDIT: JIMMY KEPT HIS GOBLIN CHILD BECAUSE HE'S LONELY AND WANTS SOMEONE AROUND, BUT WHEN FWHIP BECOME A NORMAL EMPOROR AGAIN HE THREW THE GOBLIN CHILD AWAY? This gave me many mixed signals.....
Jimmy has NEVER gave his actual name to people in empires, which is James. He uses nicknames for himself near others.
Fae love nature and Jimmy has shown interest in getting more plants and life in Tumbletown, he just doesn't know how to. He has asked Sausage for tips multiple times.
Jimmy might have been a fae at one point and lost his wings, or just ran away from the other faes. It's a cool theory but very unlikely. But then again, we have no idea what Jimmy was before being a sheriff.
Faeries are easily offended and might turn evil if they feel like you have betrayed/wronged them beyond forgiveness. Sounds familiar huh??? *looks at Jimmy and Fwhip aggressively*
Jimmy has done SO MANY THINGS THAT WOULD GET YOU KILLED BY A FAERIE UNLESS YOU WERE ALSO ONE.. He entered a fae ring, said his name near the fae multiple times, accepted a gift from the fae, said sorry AND thank you, went around telling others about his interaction with a faerie, and more... Either Jimmy is a faerie or he's just the faes favourite.
EDIT: MARTYN/OLD SHERIFF CALLED JIMMY ONE OF THE FAE AND JIMMY QUICKLY DENIED IT!!! Jimmy could be a runaway fae?? Maybe that's why he was so scared of the fae corruption! He might be thinking the faes want revenge.
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not-a-vegan3 · 1 year ago
I love that fanon wise all the empires pre-existed before the current rulers were born.
Because it means False just showed up, started building shit and fixing stuff, and they just put her in charge.
Like "yeah she's a recluse and she definitely kills people, but she doesn't make us pay taxes"
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tinapaysmp · 3 months ago
I said I wanted to post more on my rewatch of Gem' esmp episodes, I haven't really been doing that.
So here's a start,
Episode 6 was the episode where they blew up a ravine in between Mythland and the Codlands. But other than that, it was also the episode where Gem and Katherine became allies :D
So, a very monumental episode if I say so myself.
Always loved Katherine's head obsession. Lore wise, I think it's funny to have headhunting be a normal part of fae tradition. It does make me debate on hc the whole permanence of their lives though. I always takes me out of it whenever respawn is added to fics.
On one hand, yes, they are playing a video game, but also what. It can be confusing at some points depending on what type of fic I'm reading and should deaths even be taken seriously. Like, Scott sacrificing himself or Pearl's death.
Like deaths and souls are an important part of other people's lore (and no I haven't watched Pix's pov yet) but the inconsistency can be a bit of a struggle.
But I'll get back on that some other time.
I kinda forgot how often fWhip stops by her place. Roseblings my beloved.
But other than that, it makes me want to further expound on the histories between the Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands. Like how intertwined the relations of both nations rulers have always been. Cause I do have it that the Crystal Cliffs used to be a part of the Grimlands. But also watching the first episode made me think of the early populous might have been goat herders compared to the Grimlands who were formerly an agricultural society. So, much to debate on.
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actualori · 6 months ago
hii!! can u please share some of ur flowerhusbands hcs?? theyre so so adorable!!
i’m So Sorry this took me forever to answer but i finally got around to writing some
- they are the Very Clean and Prestigious x Random Muddy Silly Guy
- scott hated jimmy when they first met for that reason. over time they got closer which resulted in jimmy being less hotheaded and messy and scott feeling more free to do whatever he wants and rebel against the perfect pristine king he’s “supposed” to be
- it’s hard for them to see each other due to their jobs and how different the climates are in their empires and how far away they are. they send each other letters multiple times a day
- whenever its been particularly long since they’ve seen each other scott sneaks out at night to go see jimmy. he gets caught every once in a while and gets in trouble but refuses to stop
- jimmy taught scott how to swim. it took a very long time
- they’re not very physically affectionate (most elves aren’t) especially in public. they show love with gifts and compliments. however when theyre alone they do things like cuddle, soft kisses, holding hands etc
- they learned each others native languages. scott learned jimmys at an alarming speed, and jimmy never quite learned scotts. he tries to speak elvish but is terrible at it. scott finds it adorable
- scotts stressed almost all the time and forgets to clean himself so his wings are always messy. jimmy secretly learned how to preen wings and does so whenever scott lets himself get too stressed
- flowers flowers flowers so many flowers!!!!!!!!!! wearing them in their hair, gifting them, flower fabric patterns, everything!!
- jimmy sheds his scales and scott makes them into jewellery he wears often. jimmy carries scotts shed feathers around in his bag
really hope these make sense
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scrimblescromble · 2 years ago
Codfather Solidarity design!
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(Closeups and lore under the cut)
The Codfather (a gender neutral position and title) is the leader of the Codlands/Mystic Swamps. There is no lineage to this title, as it is earned.
The Codfather must cover their face and not speak their name, except to those close to them, instead choosing a title for themselves. This is for the sense that the Codfather is a representative of the people and their wishes.
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lemonberry-conda · 1 year ago
Every day I think about Etho's life series video (I forget which, I think it was last life) where he talks about how more diamonds spawn in swamp biomes.
I just imagine Jimmy waking up and being told that some miners found a HORDE of diamonds underground, and suddenly the very humble, down-to-earth Cod Empire is filthy fucking rich.
The people don't change, the empire stays the same essentially, but it turns the Codfather Alliance into an even bigger Juggernaut of wealth and power.
Joel has the land, Pix has the information, Lizzie has the manpower and advantageous trade routes, and Jimmy has the money.
It would be so fucking cool
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unkn0wnnn06 · 2 years ago
Genderfluid Jimmy is one of my favourite hc’s ngl
This edit was so fun to make bro, I was just vibing the entire time
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spawnofdeath · 2 years ago
So I'm still pretty hung up on Empires SMP season 1, especially the ending, and I've been having some thoughts about the Codfather. I don't know if this is something other people have also thought about, but I have been having these thoughts for a little while now and I want to finally get them out there.
So. I have been thinking about the Codfather. Having left behind his empire after it was destroyed. After everything was destroyed, and he's pretty sure that everyone blames him. And they're sort of right to, aren't they? In a way it was his fault.
So he wanders off on his own, once again untethered. Losing his connection, losing his heritage, oceanic traits rapidly receding, he looks more human with every passing day. Losing his memories, losing himself. Until all he knows is his name. He's just a guy named Jimmy. He's still immortal, being technically a god, or at least he doesn't age. But he doesn't remember that he's been alive for centuries.
How old is he? Twenty-five? Thirty? He's not sure. He's always been alone, noone to tell him when he was born. Has he always been alone? For as long as he remembers, anyways. How come he remembers nothing of his childhood? Ah, no matter. What would it change if he did?
How long has he been wandering? Probably all his life. Maybe it's time he finally settled down. Just where, is the question.
He keeps wandering, until he finds a place that strikes his fancy. It's an impressive landscape, this. Reminds him of something. Something. If he could just put his finger on what. Someone? A friend? Did he ever have a friend? No matter, if he can't remember them. But sure, this place is nice. Yes. He'll stay here in the mesa.
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raindropren · 5 months ago
I have not posted for awhile(The way I look at tumblr means I have to sign in everytime and I couldn't find my password for abit, oops) but here's a couple of C!Pearlo headcanons I've either made, in the last week, or not in the last week... at all.
DemiRomantic!! Might be slight projection but with the way I've set up the world and timeline, her being demiromantic is in my mind a surprising amount.
She and Sausage meet for eachothers birthdays! Sometimes Gem comes but normally it's just them :3
Speaking of those two, My personal headcanon is that they met when they were like, preteens? before highschool and such. and before they had really met anyone else in canon.
My Pearl has her being born in the Worlds Australia but living most of her childhood in England, then going back to live in Australia in Highschool! Her family would visit Australia alot even when they lived in England. (my mcyt au's Earth is very complicated cause I couldn't have pearl just, not be Australian, it's brought up alot, I can't ignore it, but that'd mean Earth and it's continents exists so, IT'S BECOME MORE COMPLEX THEN I WANTED OKAY. LOL)
Empires is a exchange program first. the whole thing is like, kinda an investment? for the future??? but the Kingdoms are still certain empires members birthright, so some were stolen from them and the program was the only way to get it back(Gem, Fwhip, Scott), and some were just happenstance(Shubble, Joey, Lizzie, Sausage), and some were random,(Jimmy, Katherine, Pixl) but Glided Helianthia was already a "Fight to be ruler" type of kingdom. So Pearl's highschool experience was ALOT of fighting and learning/training to fight(Along with normal highschool stuff of course) and she had farming courses and stuff, but the fighting bit is what drew her into going. THEY HAD DORMS AND HER AND SHUBBLE WERE DORMMATES And everything I have about it was inspired by EmpiresSMP Highschool au chatfics :') None of it is canon but it helps me with thinking about characters in a "They actually were kids at some point" way instead of only thinking about them as the characters they are now! Helps with the timeline too.
Did any of the last one make sense. no. not at all, shhh.
Keeps Journals, Alot of them, She has a Journal for each server and many of them are not fully filled out because despite having the Journals, She hardly writes in them enough to fill them out. She's scared of running out of pages and having to get a new one, only to have her time on the server end and be left with a mostly blank book she will never write in again. obviously the Life Games(Series) don't have her writing a journal WHILE it happens, but She does after it. other then double life, she did not even think about writing that one down. Reliving those memories, for a journal. no.
Doodles on scrap paper, I think she likes drawings bugs and fish :]
Has a big cardboard box that has every piece of bought or homemade jewelry anyones given her, mostly her friends but also a (un)surprising amount of offering. They are all organized into what type and material the jewelry is/is made out of. Many of them are from Grian, back when they were children. and a ton are from Gem and Sausage. lots of kandi bracelets with weird sayings or words, lots of names, hers and her friends. Moons and Sunflowers are very common in the fancier jewelry, as well as wolfs and wolf symbolism. Her most recent is a Kandi bracelet from Gem, it says "Pickles" teehe. She loves it.
Always has a secret bedroom in her home of the season, normally very underground and through a surprising amount of traps. She keeps extremely important things in there, normally keepsakes. but also her bed for when she doesn't want to be bothered, whether cause she's overwhelmed or just sorta sick. :p
I'll leave it at 10! Hehe. if there's any spelling mistakes, no there isn't shhh
I love making worldbuilding to go with headcanons. my au is fun to me and that's all that matters(no it isn't, alot else matters but it's silly so,, ya.) I hope my fellow pearlo fans liked hearing my headcanons(and au stuff), i like writing bout it :3
btw If u wanna know anything about my au, please ask i will answer, I am indeed obsessed.
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mynameisrobiniamadumbass · 2 years ago
i have an empires s1 theory and it haunts me so i will make it everyone else's problem.
so um. aeor and exor.
wasn't exor supposed to bring eternal winter? how come then that the one that almost froze the world was scott, and only while xornoth was locked up?
now obviously there is a number of possible reasons and i'm not saying this is The Real One but this is my headcanon and it also hurts the most for me as an older sibling so here goes.
why is scott the one who independently brings along eternal winter? unless he wasn't supposed to be the champion of aeor.
surely the siblings must have heard of this prophecy at some point. imagine if you will, scott is a kid, xornoth is just a little bit older, and he finds out this prophecy and puts it all together and oh no my brother's destined to be corrupted beyond recognition and probably killed.
as an older sibling, one who loves their younger sibling, wouldn't you do anything it takes to make sure that that doesn't happen? even if it means that you have to take his place?
anyway feel free to use this. i want to see pre-corruption xornoth fics so bad, and this headcanon just Hurts Me.
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aura-bird · 2 years ago
So hear me out. I know a lot of ppl believe the Witch’s Academy is somehow connected to the Crystal Cliffs but what if it’s actually connected to The Coven in X-Life? Further bringing the SMP multiverse into this we can say that the Witch’s Academy also is somehow tied to Witchcraft SMP.
Wizards & Witches do NOT get along. The Crystal Cliffs and the Academy are direct rivals to each other. Their ideals clash constantly, with the Witch’s Academy wanting to watch fate unfold and allow practice of ALL the arts and the Cliffs wanting to aid others and forbade darker magics.
Of course, with The Rapture, we do not know what became of the Cliffs but given Empires s2 and Shelby & Scott’s lore I’ve pieced something together.
The Wizards most likely eventually scattered as without Gem’s guidance and the disasters racking the very continent itself they needed to move on, becoming no more than something in history. One of these such wizards is the one that helped Scott by giving him his magical prosthetic eye.
The Witch’s Academy was kind of a shadow organization, lurking in the background while the Wizards did their thing. Once they were gone, it allowed the witches to become a more significant faction in the world.
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kenolotl · 8 months ago
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tinapaysmp · 1 year ago
Roseblings and by extension Grimlands HCs
A lot of fWhips since I'm currently rewatching the first season in his pov.
fWhip is a jack of all trades master of none kind of person and jumps on so many different interests, from potions to explosives to map making to different kinds of mechanical stuff.
Gem has mastery on all forms of magic, although it's more on she was required to master everything due to being Head Wizard.
Their dad's side of the family, the house ruling over the Grimlands, specializes on gunpowder production.
Their mother's side, hailing from the Crystal Cliffs, specialized in potion's brewing as a family trade.
Both Gem and fWhip were thought the basics of potion brewing at a very young age considering that getting straight into gun powder productions is a bit too much for a bunch of kids.
Their dad wasn't really the ruler of the Grimlands but instead it was their uncle who was much older than their father.
Their uncle much preferred Gem over fWhip as the next ruler even if fWhip was older. That all changed when Gem got chosen by Gandalf as the next Head Wizard, much to their uncle's annoyance.
This is mainly because their uncle found fWhip to be too unpredictable and had a hard time controlling the kid. Where, Gem typically just do as the adults say so she was found to be more favorable at that time.
Both of them have ADHD, they just manifested in their own kind of way. Although fWhip was a text book case, Gem tries so hard to appear normal and put together.
Honestly, the both of them try so hard to look like they know what they're doing. Gem more than fWhip.
The old religion in the Grimlands isn't as practiced by many anymore and has been waning in popularity. Gem and fWhip were also indifferent to it when they were kids, but fWhip got interested later once he became ruler.
The Grimland's religion revolves around the redstone deepslate, which is actually connected to the spirit of the Titan that died around the nation.
This Red Titan had a twin. He was very close with this twin of his but one day they had a fight. They argued and things kept getting worse. It eventually turned physical. The both of them fell to the earth, and the both of them died.
From the body of the Red Titan formed redstone deepslate that has been revered in the Grimlands and now powers their machinery. Meanwhile, from the body of his twin formed an Amethyst Geode, the same amethyst that supplies the magic in the Crystal Cliffs.
People don't know of this nor any of the Titans. But their spirits and bodies give magic to the lands the people live in.
When fWhip was younger he could swear he could hear the dark red ores talking to him, but he tried shrugging it off. He decided to pay more attention to it once his interest swung to redstone tech and more after he became the Count of Grimlands.
He doesn't know how to explain this to anyone in fear that they'd ridicule him. But he eventually 'fessed up to his sister and Gem at least didn't made fun of him for it.
In the old house where the two grew up, before their fates were arranged to where they are today, their room had amethysts that were enchanted by their mother to glow like a nightlight to keep them company when it's dark.
At one point when fWhip was visiting their parents, he took them with him and placed it in the bedroom of his manor. The manor he was shipped off to after Gem became Head Wizard in-training.
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actualori · 8 months ago
i recently learned that autism service dogs are a thing so i now headcanon that bubbles is also hermes’s service dog (i like to think that they are autistic and nonverbal)
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pow-creations-headcanons · 10 months ago
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This man.
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lemonberry-conda · 1 year ago
I love the idea that Jimmy lives very humbly for no reason other than he doesn't see any value in the opulence his allies and enemies live in.
His house is pretty large, but it's by no means a castle, it's barely a mansion. He has one or two people who heat up water for his baths, do his laundry, cook, and keep his house tidy while he's out working.
He comes home at the end of the day just as weary and filthy as any of his subjects, pond scum dribbling from his hairline into his eyes under his mask, mud caked in the grooved soles of his boots.
He could have someone to massage his sore back, to gently wash and condition his tangled blonde locks. He could fall asleep in silks rubbed with lavender oil and warmed by being dried in front of the fireplace.
But he doesn't want that, he's content to have a quick scrub with plain soap and a cup of mulled cider before passing out on his uneven mattress in the same pair of frayed flannels he wears every other night.
[Eventually he's convinced that he deserves a few luxuries, a nice hot bubble bath instead of a lukewarm plain one, a better mattress, better sheets. He's still not living it up like his peers, but he's comfortable]
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